It’s time for our annual wreath sale! These floral-quality wreaths are handmade with fresh greens and love by our dedicated volunteers. These wreaths are a favorite and sell out FAST every year, so get your order in early!
There are two opportunities to pick up your wreaths:
Pickup SATURDAY DECEMBER 3rd at St John’s Church, 226 Cornelia St, Boonton, NJ 07005 from 3-6PM – OR – SUNDAY DECEMBER 4th at our annual Howliday event (Vendors, photos with Santa, adoptable dogs and more!) from 1PM – 5PM at the NorthStar Pet Rescue Adoption Center, 187 Plane Street, Boonton NJ.
Sorry, we cannot ship wreaths
Complete the order form below and then click the submit button to submit your order.
Some sample wreaths from previous years